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বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)
(Click to expand)2nd,—My 11001010010 is, as you are aware, intended cs.
pecially for Bengali readers, and therefore my attention
is first aud principally directed to the Bengal. How-
ever inportant the ohjeet which the Encelish is intended to
subscerve maw he, it ts subordinate to the Bengali. The
Dichot edition is indeed designed to promote the study of
both, Engtish and Bengalii—to accelerate the progress of
the Native mind in the to careers (as you called them in
vour address to students) now open to Indian scholars in
the provines of Bengal. Stil the Bengali is im my work
the more important of the two. (a) My effort las been and shall continue to be, to present
Nhe history and science of Europe in as attractive and sim-
ple a dress as the subjects and the state of the Bengali
Janguace willallow, Wath this view it has been my prac-
tice to hear portions of my MSS, read hy Pundits and
other Vernacular scholars,—to note the passages whicre they
mizht happen to stumble in the course of an un-premedi-
tated reading,—to introduce improvements where the pas-
saves required to be umended,—to ask the opinion of learned
scholars where difliculties presented themselves, and in
these ways to render the work as clegant and perspicuous
as cireutustances would allow, The introductory essay on
the study of history, (0) and the History of Rome, in the (7) Pmust here apologize for a few erroneous exoressions m English
which crept into the text; and Phave to thank the editor of the Hurkarn
for the muastake pointed out, The mistake did not however occur in the
Bengals tent. (6) This essay 1] had delivered, before it was printed as a discourse, at a
meeting of intelligent and respectable Windu gentlemen. The following speech by the president has been forwarded to me as an authenticated
extract (0010 the records of their Society :— * The Reva. K. M. Banerjea read a Bengali Paper on the study of
History. *Rabeoo Kissory Chand Mittra then rose ard ssid that be was sure he
expressed the sentiments of the whole mecting when he declared that the