তান্তিয়া ভীল | Tantia Veel

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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“of levies of blackmail, which Rajputs might have endured when there was but a single collector, becomes an intolerable scourge upon industry, Finally, and as Tantia him- self has perceived for some two years, he is himself no longer the man he was. Twenty miles is not much ofa day’s course for one who has two armies of Police on his track ; and Tantia can do no more, to be alert and sturdy at the end, At fifty he is old and bro- ken for a profession which is as inexorable as cricket in demanding the utmost fineness of nerve and muscle, Notwithstanding all the merits of thirty-five, as set forth in Mrs. Thrale’s honour by Dr. Joknson, it is rather late for commencing freebooter. With indis- pensable allowances for episodes of gaol, a short dozen years are left for an active career of spoliation, and, after them, a long mono- tony of carpetweaving, or the gallows. An inevitable drawback to the excellences of middle age is that it is not adapted for wild life. In a state of civilisation, at least for the civilised in it, fifty in many respects is the prime. Thc incidental defects do not matter. It is ashort of testimony toa physician’s,

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