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বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)
(Click to expand)It was in the seventies of the last century while
still at College that I read Bernier’s Travels and 1
still feel the delight with which I read it. Accus-
tomed as I was to chrcnological narratives that go
by the name of history, Bernier’s Travcls appeared
to me more as a novel than history. The vivacity
of the French author was perceptible in every line
of the work, though I read it in English transla-
tion. Bernier’s Travels cover the same period of the
history of India as Macaulay’s work covers that of
the history of England. Both the works were writ-
ten in a charmingly attractive style ; but Bernicr was
an eye-witness and he could impart his own genuine
feeling into his writings, while Macaulay simply echoes
the feelings of Pepys whose Diary he extensively
uses as his materials but the attraction of both the
works is almost the same. Both read as novel
and the readcris swayed by a varity of feelings
and sentiments as he gocs or. The memory of
the delight which I felt in reading Bernier still lingers
in my, mind and theicfore I cordialy welcome a
Bengalee edition of i: by a young and_ enthusi-