দয়ানন্দচরিত | Dayananda Charit

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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[ ix ] of which has been presented to the public in a neat volume of about 200 pages. The second part is early expected. The book, we are told, is being translated into Hindi and English for the convenience of those who are not acquainted with the Bengali language. ‘The life of the great Swami will not be complete unless and until those brilliant gems, with which his works—Satyarthprakaska, the Veda- Vashya-Bhumika &c., are studded, are carefully arranged to shew the height of his conception and the depth of his piety and to prove his right being called the | Mokarshi” of the present century. Next to Swami Shankaracharya,’ who saved India from the clutches of the godless Buddhists and the irresponsible Jains. Swami Dayanand has indeed, brought a revolution in Indian thoughts, Indian churches and Indian theological schools. His giant mind—nay, his Yogajioun, was however, not spared 1008 to finish hié grand mission ! Babu Devendra Nath’s selections of passages from leading news- papers, such as the Pyoneer, the Englishman, &c., have given us many facts which were not within our reach. Swami Dayanand be- long to all and his life cannot be the monopoly of any particular per- son, sect or party. We give our warmest thanks to Devendra Babu for his indefatigable exertion in compiling the life of the Rishi, who is admired and revered by even his inveterate foes-in-faith, Deven- dra Babu should not be discouraged for the scanty encouragement he may have received from those who have not yet been able to appreciate his labour; but I am sure, that his efforts shall not remain unrewarded, as soon as the work is translated into Hindi or English. তত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা বৈশাখ ১৮১৮ aes—Aae দেবেঞ্্রনাথ মুখোপাধ্যায় প্রণীত দয়ানন্দ-চরিতের প্রথম খণ্ড আদ্যোপান্ত পাঠ করিলাম। ময়ানন্দ স্বামী আমাদের দেশের আধুনিক ধর্ম সংস্কারকদিগের মধ্যে সর্বপ্রধান catge, এ বিষয়ে কাহারো দ্বিরুক্তি হইতে পারে না। আশ্চর্য্যের বিষয় এই যে, তিনি মূর্তিপূজার বিরুদ্ধে আজীবন সংগ্রাম করিয়া ভারতবর্ষের পূর্ব. পশ্চিম উত্তর-দক্ষিণ কোনো প্রদেশে Bats জয়পতাকা ARES রাখেন নাই--অথচ তাঁহার অস্ত্র-শস্ত্র ও যত কিছু সম্বল সম্তই পুরাতন ভারতবর্ষের HUSH ছুর্গ হইতে সংগৃহীত ;—comT ব্রাহ্গণ কোনো একট বিষয়ে ঘুণাক্ষরেও

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