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বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)
(Click to expand)DEATHLESS DITTIES.
AtuL CHANDRA GHOSH. ' Bengalee—This is a nice booklet contain-
ing the translations into English verse of the
poems of Chandidas, Vidyapati, Boloram Das,
Jnan Das,Nitai Das and other Vaishnav poets.
The translator has also conveyed to the
English reading public the beauties inherent
in some of the well-known songs of Nidhu
Babu, Ram Basu, Ray Sekbar, Laksmi Narain
Chackerbutty and Kedar N ith Chowdhury.
But he does not concern himself with old
poets alone, The exquisite translations he
gives of the songs of Bankim Chandra Chatt-
erjee, Sanjib Chandra Chatterjee. Grish Che
andra Ghose, Jyotirindra Nath Tagore and,
ast but not least, of Rabindra nath Tagore,
will be a source of perennial joy and inspira~
tion to the reader. We wish we had space to
reproduce the translation of ‘Barde Mataram’,
which is far and away the best translation of
this immortal patriotic song, the ‘Marseillaise’
of India. The translator has succeeded in a
zsemarkable measure in keeping up the spirit
of the original, The luscious beauty, the capti-
vating music, the longing yearnings, the sweet
pathos of the Vaishnab poets have lost noth-
ing in the process of translation. This stands
greatly to the credit of Mr. Ghose who is a
consummate master of the art of English
versification. The ideals and inspiration and joy
of the modern poets have also found glorious
expression through the vehicle of his jingling
verses, so charming to the ear and ‘the heart
ofthe reader, ( Price Rupee One only )