পৌরবিজ্ঞান ও অর্থবিদ্যা পরিচয় [সংস্করণ-৪] | Pourabiggyan O Arthabidya Parichay [Ed. 4]

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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[ xv ] ECONOMICS : First Paper The subject is to be treated with special reference (0 INDIAN CONDITIONS Class IX 1. National Income and its distribution—-per capita income—- standard of living. 2. Broad factors determining national income—factors of production. 3. Population—population and food supply—population and national income—labour supply — unemployment. 4. Natural resources—land and its productivity. 5. Capital—-factors governing the accumulation of capital. 6. Technical skill—its importance—fuctors governing its formation. 7. Economic structure--main structural features of an under- developed economy--requirements for economic development. Class X 8. Forms of business organisation—single-owner firm— Partnership— Joint-Stock Companies. Co-operation—principles —different types of co-operative societics and their main features. Small and Large-scale industries. 9. Role of the Government—ecgnomic functions of the Government—Government and development planning—Indian 5-Year Plans. 10. Government finances—taxation, expenditure and borrowing -—financing of development. 11. Money—functions of money—monetary standards—crea- tion of money—Banks—Commercial Banks—Central Bank— Functions of Banks—Bank montey. 12. The general price Jevel—measurement of changes in the general price level—simple index numbers—lInflation. Class Xi 13. International Trade—territoriz! division of labour—RBalance of Trade and Balance ot Payments—Protection and Free Trade. 14. Markets—forms of markets: Competition and Monopoly. 15. Price determination under different market tonditions— factors governing demand: price changes and income variations, - ‘elasticity of demand—factors governing supply and supply price— increasing and diminishing returns. 16. Different types of factor incomes—wages, interest tentjand profits—Collective bargaining and trade unignds je ee শং < *, a ' = ॥‘

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