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বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)
(Click to expand)আলোচনার বক অভাব আছে ? বহুমান টেমস: থেকে গঙ্গা AOA দরে । আর
আমাদের লেখনীর সামর্থা একান্তই ক্ষীণ । তব্য অগ্রজের Sx নামার
দায় অনুভব FTA । পাঠকদের অবগাঁতর জন্য AAP ফক্সের রচনাবলীর একাঁট অসম্পুণ'
তালিকা এখানে পেশ Slat একাঁট বাদে এর সব বইই তখন দুষ্প্রাপ্য । 1. Captain youth; A Romantic Comedy for all Socialist
Children, C. W. Daniel, 1922. 2. People of the Steppes, Constable; 1925, 3. A Defence of Communism, in reply to H. J. Laski,
Communist Party of Great Britain, 1927. 4. Storming Heaven, Constable, 1928. 3. Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Irish Revolution, Modern
Books, London n. d. [1932]. Reissued as Mar«, Engels and
Lenin on Ireland, International Publishers New york, 1940. 6. Lenin: A Biography, Gollancz. 1933 7. The Colonial Policy of British Imp>rialism, Martin
Lawrence, 1933. %. The Class struggle in Britain in the Epoch of Imperialism,
2 Vols, ( 3rd Vol. never published ), Martin Lawrence, n. d.
1933. 9. Plekhanov, G. V., Essays in the History of Materialism,
Translated by Ralph Fox, John Lane, 1934. 10. Bukharin N.1I, and others, Marxism and Modern Thoughr, translated by Ralph Fox, Routledge and Kegan Paul,
1935. 11. Communism anda Changing Civilisation, John Lane,
1935. 12. Genghis khan, John Lane, London, 1936 ( Reissued by
Daimon Press, Castle Hedingham, 13. France Faces the Future, Lawrence and wishart, 1936. 14. Portugal Now, Lawrence and wishart, 1937. 85. The Novel and the people, Lawrence and wishart, 1937
( Reprinted by Cobbett Press with corrections and an Index ; ৬