তিলোত্তমাসম্ভব কাব্য | Tilottamasambhab Kabya

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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তিলোত্তমাসম্ভব stay: ভূমিকা ৮৫/০ advice is Read, Road, Read. Teach your ears the new tune and then you will find out what it js. Please tell Gour I have sent a copy of Tilottama for him to his cousin, at the Asiatic Society, not knowing where he himself is posted at present.-—Y. ৩২ *-১২ | 91 ১৪ জুলাই ১৮৬০ তারিখে মধুস্থদন রাজনারায়ণ বস্থুকে-- You sare welcome to review Tilottama when vou like. By the time you propose to do sa, T think, the book will be running through a second edition. But no matter, your opinion, especially, when deliberatcly given, onght to influence a certain class of onr people. Perhaps you will laugh at the idea, hut I 00 assure you that since the publication of the book your name has been frequently in imen’s mouths. Ask Rajendra. Manv have said 110, that Raj Narain Bose of Midnapur is a clever fallow. Weseems [0 appreciate this hook warmly. He 1৭ right ' ...Talking about wine and ail vicious indulgences, though by no means a saint and teetotal prude, JI never drink when engaged in writing poetry: for, if [ do, I can never manage to put two ideas together ! There is not a line in the Tilottama written under the inspiration of even such a mild thing as a alass of rosy sherry or beer. £2 8-2@ |! ৮। মধুস্থদন রাজনারায়ণ agra. - I cannot sufticientiv thank vou for your most welcome letter. Believe me, you endear yourself more to me hy the candid manner in which you point out the defects of the Poem than by the praise (and it is splendid by Jove 1) vou bestow on it. The idea of fixed lightning, though hackneyed, is not bad. The whole beauty of the passage (in hook II 19-40) depends upon it— that is to sav, if there be any beauty in it at all. You are unjust to Indra. He isa very heroic fellow, but he cannot resist ““Fato.”” Perhaps, your partialitw for the two brothers has slightly embittered your feelings against the poor king of the gods. I myself like those two fellows, and it was once my intention to have added another Rook to place them more

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