দয়ানন্দ চরিত | Dayananda Charit

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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( viii) sO as to encourage and enable him to complete his larger biography. A CORRESPONDENT IN THE INDIAN MIRROR OF চা DECEMBER 1896 :—Having alluded to the venera- ble Pundit Dayananda Saraswati, I wish to Say some- thing more about him. I am 2130 to find that Babu Devendra Nath Mukerji has undertaken to write his life not only in Bengali, but in Hindialso. It is cheer- ing also to notice that Babu Amrita Lall Ray has expressed a desire of publishing an English version of the biography. We, of Bengal have not up to this time, done our duty to the great pundit. Much credit is due to Babu Devendra Nath for his having under- taken the laudable work. The first part of the work has been published. The Babu is a well-known writer in Bengali, and the part, already issued by him, fully sustains his reputation. We hope, our countrymen will assist him in his laudable endeavour to keep alive the memory of the great man, and thereby show to the public that Bengal is not behindhand in doing honor to the venerable Pundit. JOURNAL OF TITE MOHA-BODHI SOCIETY JANUARY 1897 :—The book under notice is, as the author avers, the first attempt at a systematic narrative of the life and teachings of the later great Swami Dayananda Saraswati in the Bengali, nay, in any Indian language. The author had been at great pains to collect the

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