প্রমান-সার | Praman Sar

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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Vil necessarily brief. It was impossible to discuss elabor- ately all the subjects in the short ৪0200 which I had ab my command; and if is as well that the book has net been made stiff with elaborate discussions. Such a work would havo been scarcely appreciated by the class of readers for whose use this Manual is chiefly intended. There is however one circumstance, which I may mention by way of relicf to those, who want a larger work, that the different chapters of the present Work have been so written as to allow any future enlargement. So that in a second edition of this Manual there will bo uo difficulty in improving upon the outlines now presented to the public. It may be further observed that this Work not being & translation but an original composition, I had yreater freedom to draw information. The books mostly eonsulted by me are those which are gener- ally held in estimation, such as Bishop Wilson’s Lectures, Arch-Bishop Whately’s Treatise, andBishop M’1LVaine’s Book. Occasionally I also consulted the ' larger work which goes by the well-known name of Horne’s Introduction. I should also mention Dr. Mitchell’s valuablo Letters to Indian Youth, and the excellent Compendium prefixed to the Comprehen. sive Bible. My best thanks are due to Dra. Baneyjos snd Wengor for the trouble they took in reading wholly or partially my manuscript which I had submitted for their perusal before senging it to the Press. I any. glad tobe able to say that the opinions whith both,| these competent ৬8888. pronounded on" my Book ars:

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