সংসদ বাঙ্গলা অভিধান | Samsad Bengali-english Dictionary

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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BEG BTS @yG—a not divided into parts, undivided, entire, whole, (math) integral (448 সংখ্যা) , unabated , un- curbed, undisputed, supreme, sove-~ reign (HVS প্রতাঁপ) , not watery, thic- kened, curdled (‘ysNata’) , com- pact, dense (Sts অদন্ধকাব) অখ'্ডনীয়-_ a irrefutable, unanswerable Wyu- নণ্ডলাকার--এ completely spherical অখা"্ডত--৫ unsevered, undivided , unrefuted (অখণ্ডিত যুক্তি বা মত) অধদ্যে-_-৫ not fit to be eaten , un- fit for work, grossly inefficient , unserviceable অখদ্যে-অবদ্যে--৫ good- for-nothing, worthless , trashy @yf4q—corrup of এখন অধল--৫ artless, guileless, naive, Ingenuous . অখাত--৫ (of channels etc) undug or not made by digging , natural " অথাদ্য-- (1) ৫ not fit to be eaten, inedible , forbidden to be eaten , (of food) unwholesome , (facet) worth- less (অখাগ্র cats) (2) n anedible or forbidden or unwholesome food আঁখল--(1) a entire, whole (2) 7 the world , the umwverse , the sky অখ্যশ--(1) n dissatisfaction , dis- pleasure (2) a dissatisfied, dis- Pleased অধ্যাত--৫ not famous, obscure , ordinary, common অথ্যাতনামা-_-এ৫ one whose name 1s not famous , obscure TT disrepute , notoriety , disgrace , infamy ,, scandal অধ্যা!তিকব —a disgraceful , infamous, scanda- lous , notonous অগড়ম-বগডম-_- ৮৪: of আগড়ম-বাগড়ম. BI, অগ্ণনীয-_-৫ uncountable , countless, innumerable . অগ্যণত a. (or1) uncounted , (loos) countless, innumerable 72 my innumerable অগাঁত--(1) ৫ motionless , immobile, static, helpless, resourceless (2) n a helpless or resourceless person , the unperformed state of a dead person’s obsequies অগাতর Who—the resort of the helpless , (loos ) the way out অগত্যা--৫%% having no other course to follow or means to adopt , being compelled to , perforce, necessarily , as a necessary or unavoidable con- sequence : অগদ--(1) ৫ free from disease or poison , healthy (2) a medicine , an antidote (esp to poison) অগ্দতন্ —n toxicology অগন[ত--৫ (০০11) countless, innum- erable অগন্তব্য-_-৫ (of placesetc ) not fit to be visited , out of bounds অগভীব--৫ not deep, shallow, not profound (অগভীব জ্ঞান) wrote জলে সফরী। ফরফবায়তে--(16) a small fry bustles 1n ‘shallow water, (fig) an empty vessel sounds much অগম--৫ motionless, static , unfa- thomable, bottomless , inaccessible , incomprehensible অগম্য-_-৫ impassable, inaccessible , incomprehensible, beyond the com- pass of (fq অগম্য) অগম্যগামিনী--1917. of অগ্ম্যাগামী অগম্যা-_-৫ fem one with whom sexual intercourse 1s prohibi- ted অগম্যমমন--7 incest অগম্যাগামণ-- (1) ৫ mas incestuous, (2) n an 1n- cestuous man অগব্য-_"৭৮ of অগ্যব্য* অগস্ত্য--7 a mythological sage of India , (৪5৮) the Canopus অগদ্ত্যযান্রা —n the first day of the month of অগণ্য-_-৫ uncountable , countless, —

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