অখণ্ড-সংহিতা [খণ্ড-৮] [সংস্করণ-১] | Akhanda-samhita [Vol. 8] [Ed. 1]

বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)

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স্ত্রী কি ভয়ের বস্তু ? ১১ erect and claim the world’s best presentsby steadiness and perseverance. Don’t despair, my son, of success, be not despondent. Hang not down your head in utter hopelessness. “Whatever may you have lost through mistake and unwisdom, the secret of regaining them is PRAYER. Accept a life of PRAYER,—prayer while at work and at rest, and this will raise you to the glorious heights of the worthy man who has nothing to fearon earth. PRAYER will make you the master of yourself. “Do not fear your wife in the least though she is young and charming. Do not believe her to be your foe. All her youth is to lend you help, all her charms are to give you strength. She is here not to suck your blood, she is neither a source of eternal evil nor a spring of poisonous draughts. Her bosom is not the abode of venomous snakes. Her sweet voice is not the Siren’s song nor is she the doors of eternal hell. Conquer fear by earnest prayer, and convert her into your heiping hand. Energise her with your own faith and inspire her with your spiritual urge. Falter not in your noble task and believe not yourselves to be weakling.’’ (বঙ্গানুবাদ ) “তোমার আত্মস্বীকৃতিতে আমি চমকিত হই নাই। আজিকার ভারতে সহস্র সহস্র যুবকের ইহাই ত” ইতিহাস। আমি তোমাকে আশ্বাস দিতেছি যে, এই স্কল অমঙ্গলের প্রতিষেধ আছে, ইহাদের কুফল হইতে পরিত্রাণের নিশ্চিত

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