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বই থেকে নমুনা পাঠ্য (মেশিন অনুবাদিত)
(Click to expand)Syllabus for Three-year Degree Course (0. 0.)
SELECT FOREIGN CONSTITUTIONS (a) Great Britain—Characteristics of the British Constitution—
the Rule of Law. Conventions Po3silion and Powers of the British
Crown. The Privy Couneil—The Ministry and the Cabinet. Characteristics of the British Cabinet—its functions —the position
and powers of the Prine Muinister—Relation between the Cabinet
and Parliament. Constitution and functions of the House of Lords, and the House
of Commons —Relationship between the two Houses—Privileges of
{he Hlouses—How Bills are passed——Control of Parhament over
finance. British Party Sy চদা, A briel owline of ths British Judicial
systoui—-Local Governinent in Great Britain. (b) U.S.A.—Chief teatures of the Constitution of the U.S.A,
Position ard Powors of the Presidont —[he Cabinet. Powers and
lunetions of the Two Elouses of Congress. Party system——The
F deval Judiciary and its functions , Process of Amendment of the
Constitution. (৫) Switzerland—Chicl feature ol the Constitution—Nature of
the EFederation—-Distribution of Powers. Tha Federal Excoutive.
The Federal Council—ity peculiarity, its relation to Federal
Legislature. Direct porular Legisiation: cvhe Initiative and
Refearendum—Federil Judiciary. (0) U.S.S.R.-—Chief features of the Constitution. Constitution
and functions of the Council of Ministers. 0110101011৭ of the Supreme
Soviet —the Presidium. The one-party Rule—Role of the Communist
Party—The Judiciary.